Raising money in memory of George for the American Brain Tumor Association

Join Us in April!

Join us Saturday, April 26 in Chicago for the American Brain Tumor Association's Path to Progress, a 5K run supporting brain tumor research.

According to emedicine.com, "No significant advancements in the treatment of glioblastoma have occurred in the past 25 years." Gliblastoma is the most malignant primary brain tumor, and survival rates for those suffering are low. "Improving the outlook for adults and children with brain tumors requires research into the causes of and better treatments for brain tumors" (Duke Brain Tumor Center).

Our goal is to raise $500.00 in memory of pop. We're hoping to get a big team of walkers and runners together to help us reach this amount. You can donate and/or join our team here Geo-Blastomas ABTA fundraising page.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

thank you!

thank you everyone for your support! we're already at $420 in funds raised! we're overwhelmed by the generosity and support! many, many thanks!

Monday, January 21, 2008

need help getting in shape?

richard and i are trying to convince ourselves we'll be in shape in time for the 5K. we're self-confessed couch potatoes. we're following the couch to 5K running guide, in hopes that we'll be able to at least jog the whole way! check it out!